Verum Financial Planning

About Us

We believe we’re in the human nature business and our product is financial wellbeing.

We change lives for the better, creating joy, whilst providing peace of mind by guiding you throughout your journey.

Our Purpose

‘Empowering people to live their version of a rich and fulfilling life’.

How We Do It

Our unique four step process, Rich Life™ helps people visualise, design, achieve and maintain their version of a rich and fulfilling life by answering the only question that matters when it comes to money, am I going to be okay, can I live the life I want.

It’s about more than just investing, it’s about understanding what you want your life to look like, making sure you have the resources to live it, whilst ensuring you are protected from life’s surprises along the way.

What we do

What We Don't Do

We are Empathetic, Authentic, Humble, Creative and we act with total integrity.

Our Core Values